Thursday, November 15, 2007
We are getting our Children!
Thank you so much for praying! In the past week we found out that we are going to get our children! I know that many of you wrote letters and called your congressmen and we are so thankful for you.
As of now both Christian and Gabriella are in "PGN", this is the Attorney General's office in Guatemala. They can be there for anywhere from 1-5 months. In this stage of PGN they will go through all of our documents in detail to ensure the legality of what we are doing. It is not uncommon to get "kicked out" of PGN several times, but each time slows the process down considerably. Please pray that we move through with no mistakes, if this is the case we could have our children sometime early next year.
We are really excited about these new developments. and are hoping that we have the children soon. On the other hand, we are really tired and worn out from the process of adoption/moving and job change. Thanks for all that you do for us and the encouragement that you give!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Fall Retreats and Revelation
I had the privilege of speaking at 3 Fall retreats in the past 5 weeks. I spoke at the KU Fall retreat, the Kansas City/St.Louis Fall retreat and most recently at the UCLA fall retreat. At one retreat there were 20 students from Nepal in attendance. I was reminded of Revelation 5 and the world being represented at Jesus’ feet. It was humbling to think of bringing the Gospel of Jesus to Nepal’s future leaders! Thank you for investing in our ministry and the future of the nations.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
New Pictures of the kids!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Why we work with college students...
Friday, October 12, 2007
October Adoption Update
Since that time some things have developed. First, we are writing our congressmen and women in order to bring political support to block this action. I am not sure of how this all works but there is precedence of this type of action working. There is a good chance of a grandfather clause being entered into the bill that will allow those in the system currently to finish out their adoptions. If you want to participate with us in writing your congressman let us know and we can send you the information.
Second, we are working extremely hard to have our children's documentation pushed through the Guatemalan system before the new year. We are not sure what to do, but we are considering going to Guatemala and working along side our lawyers in Guatemala to hasten the process. Please pray for wisdom for us in this area.
Finally, many of you continue to ask how you can help. We are so thankful for the way that people have rallied around us during this time.
We obviously need your prayers, and assistance with the political system. Financially we are on the right track for now, we will not need the last amount of money until we go to Guatemala and pick them up. However, if any of you would like to donate United or other miles to us we can use those miles to fly back and forth we would appreciate it greatly. Please email me and I can walk you through how to do this.
Thanks for your love and care of us and our children! We are grateful for you.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What a month! (And its only been two weeks)
New Job:
First and foremost our ministry is to students. Last week I was able to speak to 140 students who lead gospel centered movements on 20 campuses around the St. Louis area. We talked about "Why we walk with Jesus" and looked at "What happens when we walk with Jesus?". I was amazed at the commitment that these students have to reach their fellow students for Christ. For example, the students at Washington University (where Einstein unveiled his theory of relativity) have doubled the amount of small groups THIS FALL so that every living area has a group of believers meeting in it. They are determined to see God use them to bring their friends to Christ.
Another aspect of my new role is to help implement strategies and resource teams that are in the cities of San Fransisco, L.A., Chicago, Miami, Washington D.C. and New York that will reach every student in these cities with the Gospel. Currently we are working on a way to increase the number of staff in these cities through volunteer networks. Ross and Cindy Queener who head the ministry in NYC see a day when every borough has a team of staff, students and volunteers reaching every campus in the area. It is a huge challange. Thanks for partnering with us in this endeaver.
Not much news here, we are still waiting to sell our house...It would be easy to be discouraged but God has us in a good place. He continues to remind us that he is in charge and has us in Greeley for this season. We are tempted to think about moving before selling, but its not possible right now.
From what we understand, our papers are starting to work their way through the Guatemalan government. We feel sad and disconnected from our kids their...this is a hard one for us right now. As you pray, pray for them to be cared for and that time would go quickly. We are still waiting on 3 peices of paperwork as well.
Raising support:
We are attempting to raise about $1500 monthy support due to cost of living increase, two more children and the reality that we have lost some support over the past year. We are encouraged to have had about 7 new families join our team and about $700 in monthly support as well!
Monday, August 27, 2007
We have kids!
He is three years old this August and is a little behind in speech,. This is because he has not had parents reading to him and talking with him. We figure that Rylee and Walker will get him up to speed on the important topics of candy, toys and cuddling. And Erika and I can read to them about Jesus. Please pray for him as he is with 450 other children in the orphanage in Guatemala City. Pray specifically that his papers would be processed quickly. We have been told that it could be as many as 12 months before we can bring him home.
Claudia is a different story. She was brought to our caseworker by her mom and grandfather. Her mom is dying of AIDS and her grandfather is incapable of caring for her. Our hearts were broken as we saw pictures of Claudia and her mom. Claudia is two and a half years old, severely mal-nourished, under height (maybe due to mal-nutrition) and very shy.
We can’t imagine what she must be going through. Erika and I are praying for her mom to come to Christ. Unlike Cristian, Claudia is a private adoption. This means it is more expensive but very quick…we could have her as soon as Christmas, which would be wonderful as her birthday is 12/26. Please pray for Claudia’s mom to come to Christ and for paperwork to go smoothly and quickly.
Hopefully Erika will be able to go to Guatemala in the next 6 weeks to connect with Claudia, Cristian and the orphanage. Thanks for your prayers, we will update you on our work in the next week.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Another Change
Change is a big part of all of our lives. I know that in the past six months many of you have experienced great change and all of you have entered into one of the biggest changes that we will experience; adoption. Whether by prayers or finances you have been a blessing to us during this time. In humility we ask you to continue with us in this journey as we are still in the beginning phase of all this. We would be content with the complexity of our lives if this were all we were going through, but its not.
In the middle of May we were asked to take on a national role with Campus Crusade for Christ. What this means, in general, is that we are moving to Orlando, Fl (the headquarters of Campus Crusade) to help give leadership to the 7,000 U.S. campus staff around the world. Specifically, I will work with our 200 teams in the United States that are trusting God to reach the next group of 4,000 unreached campuses and ethnic groups. Our vision has not changed. We desire to put someone who truly follows Jesus within arms’ reach of every college student in the world. Our scope has increased. Our mission is the same.
As we engage in the Great Commision in a new way we are incredibly thankful for you. God has used you in mighty ways to reach students in Greeley, East Asia, Mexico and the states around Colorado. God is now calling us (the Rietemas and you) to bigger things and we are grateful to have you as our team. The next few months will be full of raising support, finishing adoption, and planning to move. In the meantime I (and sometimes Erika) will commute a few days a month to Orlando to start our new role. We want to meet with all of you (either at a gathering or individually) to talk with you more and to thank you in person.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Paper Trail!
By the end of this week Erika and I will be finished with our paperwork for the adoption. We received a "no record of arrest" clearance from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation earlier this week and our birth certificates are being authenticated as we speak. After all of our paper work is turned in we will wait for acceptance from the Guatemalan Government. If things go well this could happen in the next 8 weeks. After we are accepted we will be in line to be assigned children! While waiting we will take some classes on adoption and look into taking a Spanish class to help with the transition.
If you were to pray for us please pray:
- That our paperwork would go smoothly and quickly through the Guatemalan government.
- That our children are safe and being loved on.
- That the Spanish language would come easy for us.
- That finances would finish up quickly and well.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Local Leader training
Specifically I will be training about 7 directors and "MC" the meetings. Erika will work with the wives of these directors. We love the time that we get to spend in Fort Collins every other summer. If you were to pray for us during this time please pray:
- For Erika and I to trust Jesus with all of the things in our lives right now. We feel really under the pile with paperwork for adoption, anticipating this training and just getting back from Summer Project.
- Pray that Directors would find themselves in love with the mission of "turning lost students into Christ-centered laborers" and that they would be teachable.
- Pray that Rylee and Walker's hearts would be prepared for their new brother and sister.
Long Beach
I was encouraged as 31 students made their way to Long Beach to spend 10 weeks working in the community and bringing the kingdom of God into every aspect of their lives. It seems as though these summers never return void in students or the communities lives.
Last year we (some staff and students on project) saw a women by the name of Dawn trust Christ at the GLBT center in Long Beach. recently we heard that she is still walking with Christ and is plugged into a house church network in the area. I am amazed that God works in these ways; that he redeems people, he calls them his own and he uses those who are broken and needy to glorify himself.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
April Update
Virginia Tech
Everyone mourned as details of Cho’s rampage were revealed last week. This event sobered Erika and I as I know it did you as well. What we have though about is: “what if this was us? What if the students who died (4 of the students were members of Campus Crusade for Christ) were students we had ministered to and given our hearts to?”. We have mourned constantly for the students, parents, faculty and staff at Virginia Tech.
It is events like these that remind us of why we do what we do with college students. Our understanding is that students involved with Campus Crusade at VT had initiated with Cho several times (Erika heard this most recently on a local radio station) and that these students were actively pursuing Cho in relationship. Erika and I have often talked about “reaching lost and hurting students with the gospel.” This is truly what students and staff are involved in at Virginia Tech. Will you join us in praying for them over the next few weeks, here are the things that they have specifically asked for prayer about.
- The families of the students who were killed.
- The students who were injured and still in the hospital.
- 4 students that were involved with Campus Crusade were killed. Please pray for their families and friends.
- Survivors of the shootings who witnessed the horrors of that day. Pray for God¹s grace and comfort.
- Pray for wisdom for the CCC Staff and other campus ministers and pastors as they seek to counsel and love the hurting students.
Thanks so much for joining with us in interceding for these things and for joining us to reach college students around the world.
Thanks so much for the encouraging emails and phone calls regarding our adoption. We are spending a lot of time learning about having a multi-cultural family, filling out paperwork and trying to raise funds (you may receive a letter in the next week or so). Please feel free to write, call and/or pray for us on this journey. (prayer requests are at the right). We are grateful for you beyond words!